Today the Jr. High Students were streamed live on the internet from the Virtual Worlds Conference. Chris Hart of the Reaction Grid team showed the students finishing up their avatar apartments for the Top Design Challenge. Various visitors remarked that the students were sweet and polite, which made me chuckle because I was in the room with them and although they are great kids, they are not always polite to each other. Good to know that their communication skills are improving. Their building skills have come a long way also and I am proud of the work being done. These students are getting a chance to be part of the global community by participating in events like this. (See video below)
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Live From Phoenix! Art Island is a Tourist Attraction!
This past week we have had three sets of visitors to our island! The first group was from the Virtual Pioneers History Conference. We were streamed live into Second Life for those who could not make the grid hop. Then Pathfinder Lester brought his Hypergrid Adventurer Group to tour the sim. Today the 8th hour Jr. High Elective class was working and another group of grad students came to visit and the kids got a chance to see avatars from Canada, North Carolina, and Australia! This has been a very exciting week on Art Island!
Today the Jr. High Students were streamed live on the internet from the Virtual Worlds Conference. Chris Hart of the Reaction Grid team showed the students finishing up their avatar apartments for the Top Design Challenge. Various visitors remarked that the students were sweet and polite, which made me chuckle because I was in the room with them and although they are great kids, they are not always polite to each other. Good to know that their communication skills are improving. Their building skills have come a long way also and I am proud of the work being done. These students are getting a chance to be part of the global community by participating in events like this. (See video below)
Today the Jr. High Students were streamed live on the internet from the Virtual Worlds Conference. Chris Hart of the Reaction Grid team showed the students finishing up their avatar apartments for the Top Design Challenge. Various visitors remarked that the students were sweet and polite, which made me chuckle because I was in the room with them and although they are great kids, they are not always polite to each other. Good to know that their communication skills are improving. Their building skills have come a long way also and I am proud of the work being done. These students are getting a chance to be part of the global community by participating in events like this. (See video below)